12809B Los Nietos Rd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
562-556-3648 AuthenticStrengthTraining@Gmail.com

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Two Ways to Fulfill Your 2010 Fitness Goals

1.  Make it challenging, but make it fun!  If it's an absolute chore to walk on the treadmill, then don't do it.  Walk outside, do some sprints, push/pull a sled, flip a tire, swing a sledge-hammer, chop some wood!  Seriously, get creative with it.  You've seen the AST videos; not your average workout.  People are getting results by challenging themselves, all while *gulp* having fun...  Try something new with your training.  "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

2.  Be accountable!  There are a number of ways to do this.  You can get a serious workout partner (this must be someone who won't miss workouts, and won't allow you to half-ass your way through the training).  Have a friendly bet with some friends.  Decide on the goal, give yourselves a timeline, and see who can reach the goal first.  Make an announcement to friends and family.  You won't hear the end of it if you don't follow-through.  And no, making a "deal with yourself" isn't going to cut it.  It didn't last year, it didn't the year before that, and, who are we kidding?  It won't this year either.  Something else more important will come up, right?  Prioritize.  Family and finances are certainly priorities.  Want to know what will seriously prevent you from taking care of your family and your finances?  Death.  Make it a priority to take care of yourself this year (and every year from now on!)

So I lied... Here's a 3rd tip
3.  Reward yourself once a week for a job well done.  Be realistic, though.  A stroll down the driveway to get the paper doesn't exactly deserve the whole pie, does it?   Work hard during the week, then enjoy one of your "guilty pleasures" for ONE meal on the weekend. 

Train Hard.  Get Lean.  Get STRONG!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Pretty soon I will be able to do it all by myself"

Notice that the quote above doesn't say:
'I'll never be able to do that.'
'Maybe one day...maybe...'

It says "I will...!"  I will succeed.  I will accomplish the goal I've set for myself.  I am NOT ok with mediocrity!  "I will be able to..."

Yesterday I made a post about how to make your program work for you.  One of the things I mentioned was believing in yourself.   If you don't, you may as well not even waste your time.  "Isn't showing up and not believing in myself better than not showing up at all?"  No.  No it's not.  At that point, you've already defeated yourself.  You've resigned to the idea that you simply will not reach your goal.

Take away message:
It is absolutely imperative that you are confident in your ability to succeed and overcome!

Train Hard.  Get Lean.  Get STRONG!

Monday, November 23, 2009

4 Simple Ways To Make The Most of Your Training

1. Don't "Program Hop"- This is one of the biggest problems of all.  Naturally, people always want to be compensated for their efforts.  They want to make sure that they are getting the best return (results: fat loss, muscle gain, etc.) for their investment (time, sweat, effort, etc.).  The mistake they make, though, is switching to a new program before they even give the previous one a chance to work!  I mean, if the program you're on is working okay, then there must be a better one out there somewhere; why not try all of them?  Seriously, some people really do bust their ass in the gym, but they're short-changing themselves by not giving the program time.  Results do NOT come in a linear fashion.  Obviously, going on for weeks on end without the slightest hint of progress is idiotic, but if you've been doing well, stay the course for a bit.  It's impossible to make progress in every aspect of your training in every session.  And this is the point where you will build physical AND mental strength.  This brings me to point #2...

2.  Believe In The Program and In Yourself- This is a crucial, yet, often overlooked part of training.  It is absolutely imperative that you believe in what you're doing when you train.  If you don't believe in the program, you will not put forth the amount of effort needed to make progress.  At that point, you've already resigned yourself to fail.

3. Have A Goal and Kick The Programs Ass!- I've never understood the point of going to a gym without a goal.  Even worse, I do not, and will not, understand the point of training, goal or no goal, with the intensity of a 3 year old girl!  Everyone wants to get results as fast as possible, yet no one trains that way.  They train with fear and it will hault progress in its tracks, shoot them in the foot, spin their wheels, kick them in the nuts, [insert witty cliche' here].  As Strength Coach Elliott Hulse says, "If you want to get extraordinary results, you've got to get really comfortable getting [F-Bomb!] uncomfortable!"

4.  Be Realistic-  I don't mean in the sense that you have unreasonable goals (though most people do).  I mean simply this: if you know that you only have 3 days a week to dedicate to the gym, do NOT choose a program that requires you to get into the gym for 6 weekly sessions.  That program is NOT... FOR... YOU!  Not gonna work!  Pick a program that is conducive to your lifestyle.  Dedicate at least 2-3 days a week to the gym.  If you can do more (CONSISTENTLY), then knock yourself out.  Do the best you can with what you have!

Summary:  Pick a program conducive to your goals and schedule, be consistent, believe in it, and train your ass off!  

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Great Day

A great Saturday morning session!  More videos soon!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

There Is No EASY Way...

"The one thing that's never changed is that you still have to work hard. It seems that a lot of people and a lot of programs are trying to sidestep that one main issue. But you gotta go in there and you gotta bust your ass! People need to quit looking for the easy way out and get to work." -Dave Tate

Check out this video of Dave Tate and his words (albeit explicit) of wisdom! Seriously! 
Really, this is one of the things that, as a gym owner and S&C coach, hell, as a human being, drives me nuts!   Everyone wants to get results yesterday and quite frankly, it's ridiculous.  But, I've found the secret.  I'll tell you what it is, but try not to spread the word around too much (you'll put me out of business; actually, maybe not).  

Ok, here it is:
You've got to be willing to put in the time, effort, and... wait for it... HARD WORK!  Attitude is key.

Hey, I'm the same way.  I want to get results now.  But you know what I've started realizing?  There's no satisfaction or learning in that.  It's not gratifying to achieve monumental goals in a day.  Why?  Because there was no journey.  There was no "learning a lot about myself in the process" time period.  That's what this whole thing is about!  Sure, from an "outsiders" perspective it's just lifting weights and trying to look good.  But from the perspective from anyone who has been there and lived it, its about more than that.  It's about the journey.

Have a great weekend and, as always,

Train Hard.  Get Lean.  Get STRONG!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Training Video

Hey Guys-

Just a quick training video.  Hope everyone has a great Sunday!  Enjoy!

As always,
Train Hard Get Lean. Get STRONG!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Latest Training

Check this out...  This is what it's all about!

We've turned it up a notch.  Our clients are embracing this mindset:

"If you want to make extraordinary changes... You've got to get really really really comfortable getting uncomfortable!"

The intensity in the gym is through the freakin' roof!  People are getting stronger.  People are getting leaner.  Everyone is training harder and harder each and every workout!  It's awesome.  Everyone is learning more about themselves with each workout.  They're pushing harder to see just what they're capable of.  No kidding... I'm hearing it all the time now.

"I couldn't even come close to that last week!"
"Wow, that's pretty heavy... and I did it!"
"I didn't think I'd lose weight by focusing on getting stronger, but I am and it's pretty cool."
"It's addicting, man!"

It's true.  It IS addicting!  We've started posting on our record board and everyone wants to be on it.  They have goals, motivation, and a kick-ass attitude!  They want everyone to get stronger and faster because it pushes them to work harder!  It's a win-win and it's changing people.  It's helping them see what they're truly made of.

As always,
Training Harder. Getting Leaner. Getting STRONGER!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Strong For A Cause"

I'd like to officially announce that on Saturday, December 5, 2009, Authentic Strength Training will be hosting... 



It's a 4-event competition that will help raise money to support the holiday programs at the House of Grace in Whittier, CA. It'll be an awesome way to kick-off the holiday season and get a head-start on your New Years Resolution!

Tractor Tire Flip- get as many flips as you can in 60s
Push Press- lift 50% of your bodyweight as many times as
you can
Sled Sprint- cover 40 yards as fast as possible
Medicine Ball Throw- toss it as far as you can


Anyone. There will be a mens under 160lbs division, a men's over 160 lbs. division, and one female division.   Tell your friends!  The more the merrier and all that jazz...


Early Bird Registration (ends Nov. 21st)- $10 for AST members, $20 for non-members; 
Final Registration Week (Nov. 22-Nov. 28)- $15 for AST members, $25 for non-members
RSVP Online By Clicking Here!

The actual event time will be from 9a-noon. Please arrive at 8:30 for check-in.


Authentic Strength Training Gym
12809B Los Nietos Rd.
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

Absolutely not! All donations are welcome!

Registration must be paid PRIOR to the event date! Payments can be made in cash or check (made out to House Of Grace).
Additional donations can be made on the day of the event (cash, waters, Gatorades, burgers, help, etc.).
Prizes will be awared to 1-3rd place for each division.
Refreshments will be provided!

For more information, contact Tony
email: authenticstrengthtraining@gmail.com
phone: 562 556 3648
website: AuthenticSTG.blogspot.com

Friday, November 6, 2009

Simply Getting... It... Done. Meet Ricky!

Training Hard. Getting Lean. Getting STRONG!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Get Comfortable Being UNcomfortable!"

Hey Guys-

This morning, after training, I was watching a video by a Florida-based Strongman and Trainer named Elliott Hulse and simply had to share it with you.  Yes, I think it is that important.  Elliott is no joke.   Remember when I made the post about being passionate about something and having conviction?  Elliott is about as passionate about what he does as anyone I've ever seen.  Seriously, my back-and-forth emails with Elliott have probably done more to help me with my training and my business than anyone else.

In the video, Elliott reinforces what I've been trying to say to you all along... "You've got to get comfortable being UNcomfortable!"  Heavy stuff, right?  Get the hell out of your comfort zone and make some serious change!  Watch this video and soak it in.  Really listen to his message.

As always,
Train Hard.  Get Lean.  Get STRONG!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Exercise Index: The Corner Press

*obviously, check with a doctor if you are experiencing shoulder-pain.  It's always better to be safe than sorry.  Besides, I'm no doctor, but I DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night :)

Let me know what you think!  Leave a comment.

As always, 
Train Hard.  Get Lean.  Get STRONG!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Huge Promotion Offer AND New Payment Options!

Hey Guys-
The holiday's are right around the corner (can you believe they came so quickly?) and I'd like to do my part to help you out.  In the spirit of the holiday season, I'd like to offer you an opportunity to save some money, which is why I am pleased to announce the "Save You Some Cash For The Holidays" promotion!

I will take 50% off of your initial payment if you are one of the first 15 people to email me at AuthenticStrengthTraining@gmail.com and leave your name, age, gender, and program choice!  That's right!  Half off of the initial payment!

"So, what's the catch?  There's always a catch!"

I'm going to be completely transparent; there is a catch.  Four, in fact. 
1.  The offer is time-sensitive!  You must enroll before Sunday, November 8th!
2.  The offer only applies to a membership package!  Individual "Authentic Strength Camp" session are not eligible to receive 50% off.
3.  Serious applicants only!  I'm not going to lie, this training isn't for everyone.  It's hard!  You need to be committed to busting your butt in a fun, motivating environment.  If you're not truly ready to get the results that you deserve, then please do not apply.  Again, it's not for everyone.  Do you have what it takes?
4.  Cancellation policy and terms of agreement still apply.

So, there you have it!  All you need to do is email me to get the coupon code!  It's really that simple!  Break away from the pack.  Do something different this year; get in shape before and during the holidays.  Help make your New Year's Resolution something you can keep!  

New Payment Option
Payments will no longer be made in lump monthly payments.  They will now be made weekly.  How does this affect you?  Well, now your payments will be made smaller and less daunting.  For example, if your total monthly cost is $100, you will be billed the $100 initial payment, and 30 days later you will be billed $25 a week. 

Thanks for all of your support!

Train Hard.  Get Lean.  Get STRONG!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Guest Article

Mike Duker, my friend and a local trainer, asked me if he could use the blog to write a short article about dedication and work-ethic.  The subject for his article is a guy by the name of Ed Mariscal.  I know Ed and, if you've been  training with us or watching our videos, so do you.  Ed trains just as hard, if not harder, than anyone in the gym.  He pushes himself and others to get better and better each session.  Not to mention, he's a great guy and a great friend.

So without further ado...Mike, take it away!

By: Michael Duker

The alarm clock is set for 4:20 a.m., just enough time to wake up and watch the 4:30 a.m. news while getting ready for a long day at work. The first to arrive to work, Edward Mariscal, a nursing home administrator in training, begins his day by enjoying oatmeal and a slice of pumpkin bread, a healthy breakfast for someone who was almost 30 pounds over weight just three years ago.
      Mariscal was about to turn 35-years-old when he decided he needed a change in his lifestyle, so he joined a gym and found some help. “Men in my family usually don’t live past 70, and I realized I was almost at the half-way point, so I decided to turn my life around and get a personal trainer,” said Mariscal when asked what made him decide to make a change. In just under a year, Mariscal lost 29 pounds of fat, and gained back 10 pounds in muscle, he went from only being able to bench press 55 pounds to being able to bench press 195 pounds, and in a 19 month span, he has run 11 marathons, two half-marathons, and ten 10K races, including three mud runs. Mariscal is now 36-years-old and has enjoyed his new-found strength, but continues to make new goals for himself.

      To achieve his fitness goals Mariscal recognizes the importance of exercise and a good diet. This is Mariscal’s eating guide that he is consistent with every day:
6:15 a.m.-Oatmeal and a slice of pumpkin bread
10 a.m.-Apple and a protein bar
3 p.m.-Apple
5:30 p.m.-Protein bar
8:30 p.m.-One grilled chicken breast with some vegetables.

      The grilled chicken is late in the evening, however, it is just after Mariscal’s training session and he is awake for a few more hours, so his body is given time to digest the food before going to sleep. When asked the differences he feels from this change in his life, Mariscal said, “I’m in better shape, I’m much stronger, I’m more active in outdoor sports, I crave unhealthy food less, I have more energy during the day, and I get complimented on my looks. It feels really nice.”

       Ed performs reverse-hyper's on a couple of tires
      Mariscal has accomplished more achievements in the past three years than most people experience in a life time. The original goal was obvious to Mariscal, lose weight. After losing 29 pounds and becoming a fit 160 pounds, Mariscal decided he wanted to get stronger. Bench pressing 195 pounds was a good accomplishment, but Mariscal didn’t stop there, he can now bench press 235 pounds. His newest goal is to gain more muscle and get bigger. Mariscal decided to make a change recently to help him reach his latest goal quicker.
      Mariscal has rearranged his training regimen. Although he plans to continue working out with the trainer he’s been training with, Mariscal has decided to train at a new gym in his area as well. “I have enjoyed the workouts that I’ve been put through up to this point in my life, and I want to continue working out with my trainer, but I wanted a more exciting environment in which to workout. My trainer actually referred me to AST.” AST, or Authentic Strength Training Gym, has proven to be the environment that Mariscal had been looking for. So far Mariscal has balanced his normal gym schedule with AST’s training schedule. Attending the group training sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, Mariscal has enjoyed the exercises he has learned. “Flipping a 600 pound tractor tire is probably the coolest exercise I’ve ever done,” said Mariscal after his first Saturday morning training session.

      At the end of a stressful day at work, Mariscal looks forward to the tough training that he receives when he arrives at AST. “I really feel a good sense of release when I am working out. It keeps me sane throughout my week and I think getting to swing a sledge hammer into a tire during my workout helps,” said Mariscal when asked what he most looks forward to in his day. Owner of AST, and certified personal trainer, Tony Falaro has taken notice to Mariscal’s hard work. “Ed gives it his all throughout the entire training session, and he always leaves tired as hell, but leaves with a smile.  It's exhilerating.”
            At 8:05 p.m., Edward Mariscal leaves AST and heads home for a well-deserved grilled chicken breast and some vegetables. He then showers and sets his alarm for 4:20 a.m., just enough time to wake up and watch the 4:30 a.m. news while getting ready for another long day at work.