The past few weeks have been significantly more stressful than they've ever been. With family emergencies, owning a business, and just simply having a life, it can, at times, be a tough balancing act. One thing that I've noticed is that lately, whether it be in the car, before bed, before a workout, whatever, I've been doing something that I haven't really done much of--- reflecting!
It's funny to think that I haven't done as much reflecting on my life as I probably should have, but sometimes we (obviously myself included) get so caught up in everyday life that we forget or, rather, overlook the little things that make us happy. With that in mind, here's a quick list of 10 things that make me happy:
1. Road trips with my girlfriend.
2. Having goals and achieving them.
3. Helping others achieve their goals.
4. Philly Cheese-steak Sandwiches (still haven't had a real one, though...they must be awesome!)
5. Hitting PR's in the gym
6. Winter weather
7. Spending time with my family
8. Listening to music (the new Rx Bandits album is great, by the way)
9. Reading and learning
10. Making pizza (it's become sort of a tradition for my family, my girlfriend, and I to make pizza on weekends)
Ok, so I lied...11 things :)
11. Watching Dexter! Now THIS is perhaps the greatest show in the history of television!
What makes you happy? Spend a minute or two at the beginning or end of each day and think about it. It's a pretty refreshing habit and it can help you unwind at the end of a stressful day.
Thanks for following, and, as always,
Train Hard. Get Lean. Get STRONG!
you're cute!